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Quick hint for developers working on source code from different Git accounts having different e-mails for them. Let say we develop our own projects and we support development for two other companies. Our folder structure could look like


Of course we have configured default config as follows

user@mymac ~/ $ git config user.name "Firstname Lastname"
user@mymac ~/ $ git config user.email "user@myprivatebox.com"
user@mymac ~/ $ git config push.default simple
user@mymac ~/ $ git config core.editor emacs

We want different e-mails by default for all repositories in these directories without configuring this manually with command

user@mymac ~/CompanyAbc/website-repo (master) $ git config user.email "user@company-abc.com"

every time when wy clone new repository.


Main ~/.gitconfig file should look like

    name = Firstname Lastname
    email = user@myprivatebox.com
    default = simple
    editor = emacs
[includeIf "gitdir:~/CompanyAbc/"]
    path = ~/CompanyAbc/.gitconfig
[includeIf "gitdir:~/CompanyMno/"]
    path = ~/CompanyMno/.gitconfig

Set custom e-mail address in ~/CompanyAbc/.gitconfig

    email = user@company-abc.com

You can repeat this for other configurations like ~/CompanyMno/.gitconfig too.


Please execute command to verify new settings

user@mymac ~/CompanyAbc/some-repo/ (master) $ git config user.email

It should throw out something like


Good luck with coding!